A gateway to discovering the rich cultural heritage and spiritual wisdom of the Himalayas. Through handpicked Himalayan handicrafts, meditation tools, and spiritual growth items, we bring the essence of the mountains to your home.

Category: Assignment-1

  • Question-3 Part B

    3. For the purpose of this question, we are going to view your first blog post (Part “B” Question #1) as an introductory online campaign. Please answer the following questions:   a. What is your intended goal and why? (3 marks)  My indented goal for the introductory campaign is to introduce my business Everest Charms… Read more

  • Question -2 Part B

    As per Part “A”, question #3, please re-write the same content as stated in Part “B” question #1 for each medium. For example, if you selected Facebook as a medium, re-write the content for Facebook. Please pay attention to what this question is asking. You can include the content in one post as long as… Read more

  •  Question-1 Part-B

    Write an introduction page about your “business” utilizing the F-Pattern structure we discussed in class. Please utilize all of the elements we discussed in class to optimize the content. Remember what was discussed in ADV106 – I also need a hardcopy of this content! (10 Marks)  Welcome to Everest Charms- A gateway to the treasures… Read more