Category: Assignment-1
Question-3 Part B
3. For the purpose of this question, we are going to view your first blog post (Part “B” Question #1) as an introductory online campaign. Please answer the following questions: a. What is your intended goal and why? (3 marks) My indented goal for the introductory campaign is to introduce my business Everest Charms… Read more
Question -2 Part B
As per Part “A”, question #3, please re-write the same content as stated in Part “B” question #1 for each medium. For example, if you selected Facebook as a medium, re-write the content for Facebook. Please pay attention to what this question is asking. You can include the content in one post as long as… Read more
Question-1 Part-B
Write an introduction page about your “business” utilizing the F-Pattern structure we discussed in class. Please utilize all of the elements we discussed in class to optimize the content. Remember what was discussed in ADV106 – I also need a hardcopy of this content! (10 Marks) Welcome to Everest Charms- A gateway to the treasures… Read more